Visit Forum’s On-Demand Continuing Education Resource Center

On Demand Webinar 1079x758
Published On: January 5th, 2022Categories: NewsTags: , ,

What started as a service to customers during COVID-19 to help maintain professional accreditation and certification has evolved into an ongoing monthly webinar series offering free continuing education credits. After live webinars, the sessions are available on-demand to provide unfiltered access to educational resources and free CE.

Monthly webinars support nursing professionals and administrators in their commitment to advancing professional development. More than 15 on-demand programs are currently available, with a new addition each month.

“Professional development remains a steadfast value for Forum. Feedback from our monthly programs suggested that participants appreciate the convenience of fulfilling their requirement through webinars, especially the on-demand program,” said Pamela Bryan Kramer, Executive Vice President at Forum. “The monthly program has been an important venue to present timely information when it is most relevant.”

Upcoming live webinars include Rising Above the Rest: Using Your Brand to Impact Recruitment, Retention, and Reputation on January 20, 2022, and The Art of Firefighting While Getting Things Done on February 17, 2022.

The complete list of on-demand programs and live monthly webinars is available on the Forum website. Register for live or on-demand sessions here.