Illinois Requires All EHRs Integrate With State Controlled Substance Monitoring Program

The Illinois Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP) is a state-run electronic database that collects and displays information on Schedule II-V controlled substances, as well as drugs of interest, dispensed in the state. The PMP’s mission is to enhance a prescriber’s and dispenser’s capacity to review a patient’s controlled substance prescription history for therapeutic and clinical reasons and to assist in the effective treatment of patients seeking medical care.

When the Illinois Controlled Substance Act was amended in 2018, it included a requirement for all electronic health record systems (including those used in long-term and residential care) to be integrated with the IL PMP by January 1, 2021.  In July of 2021, the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules allowed for fines to be assessed beginning January 1, 2022, if a facility’s EHR or electronic medication administration record (eMAR) is not connected to the interface. Civil Monetary Penalties (CMPs) could be levied at $50 per user per month for willful noncompliance.

This required integration brings the data maintained in the PMP to the point of care where prescribers are reviewing and documenting controlled substance prescriptions. The new move toward seamless integration of PMP data into the EHR eliminates the need for an additional sign-on to the PMP to search patient prescription history.

This effort is designed to improve resident safety. According to Jackie DeNardo, RHIA, Illinois PMPnow Coordinator, “Having the complete controlled substance prescription history available can decrease drug-drug interactions, overdose, and other adverse drug reactions.” It also has advantages for providers, as information will be instantly available, allowing prescribers to make information treatment decisions related to controlled substance prescribing.

All EHRs must be connected to the program via PMPnow or another approved connection point. If prescribers cannot or do not access your facility’s EHR, you will need to reach out to Illinois PMP to have your system placed in an “On Hold” status and be connected via another approved pathway.

To get started, reach out to and/or In the subject line, write your facility name followed by “—Connecting to ILPMP.” In the body of the email, answer these questions:

  • Do you use an electronic health record?
  • What electronic health record do you use?
  • Do your providers, such as MDs, PAs, NPs, dentists, etc, use the EHR?

A technical partner will be added to the email thread. This individual will send the contact an email with activation credentials.

For more information about Illinois PMP requirements for long-term care, consult these quick links or click here to view an educational seminar.

Download a free tip sheet on connecting with the Illinois Prescription Monitoring Program.