Thank you to our sponsors!
Acadia Pharmaceuticals
Astellas Pharma Inc.
Biocodex USA
Boehringer Ingelheim
CPT Rehab
Exhibitus, Inc.
Lilly USA, LLC.
Neurocrine Biosciences
Professional Nursing Services
RESIDE Admissions
Right Way Medical
Sun Pharma
UCB Biopharmaceuticals
Urovent Sciences
Staff Retention in the New Normal
Hiring the right candidate for a job is always difficult, but retaining staff is even more challenging, especially after the pandemic. This session will teach you what experts are doing in skilled and assisted living settings and the healthcare industry to attract and retain the right employees. Drive higher engagement, staff retention, and expertise in healthcare by investing in employees from day one.
Staying Safe and Secure in an Increasingly Hostile CyberWorld
Does your company have a “Zero Trust” security policy? How much does a data breach cost? Did you know that 2021 had the highest average data security cost in 17 years? In this session, you can explore ways to help mitigate your risk and learn about how the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) affects you today. The Internet is packed with HIPPA violations; do you know the HIPPA rules for protecting and securing your data, or how they relate to social media and websites? Do you know how to protect your organization and the residents you serve?
Brain Attack ─ Stroke Overview and Update
This session discusses the latest information on stroke diagnosis and treatment. Barb starts the lecture with a review of neuroanatomy and the blood supply to the brain and spinal cord. She provides a comprehensive overview of modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors and the treatment and prevention of the modifiable risk factors for both hemorrhagic and ischemic strokes. The lecture will focus on the classic clinical presentation for both hemorrhagic and ischemic strokes. Acute emergency treatment for hemorrhagic and ischemic strokes and chronic treatment protocols will also be discussed.
Survey after COVID
Has the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) changed their focus for annual surveys at LTCFs, ALFs, ICFs/DDs, and CILAs after the COVID-19 pandemic? Ask Sheila Baker, Bureau Chief of LTC, IDPH, and Cynthia SchierlSpreen, Bureau Chief of Quality Management, Planning & Medicaid Administration at the lllinois Department of Human Services (IDHS). What are the top-cited deficiencies? Does the survey focus more on Infection Control now? What are the common complaints faced by surveyors? Get the information firsthand from those in the know.
Dealing with Difficult Families
Many of us chose this field because we love helping people. We didn’t count on enduring the sometimes awkward, demoralizing, infuriating interactions with family members of patients and residents. Is there any way to prevent one of the most complex and draining parts of a healthcare-related job? How can we respond in a way that doesn’t make the situation worse?
Shampoos, Tattoos, and Bar-B-Ques: What’s New in the World of Infectious Diseases?
This seminar provides an overview and update on current issues impacting infectious diseases. New vaccines, new diseases, new drugs, and new bugs! What’s new in the world of vaccines? Is it safe to travel the world today? Is it safe to eat the food where you travel, and for that matter, is it safe to eat the food you buy here at home? There are many “microbes on the menu” in today’s world—how can you avoid them, and what are their clinical manifestations and treatments? Barb discusses the benefits of antibiotic stewardship and provides a plethora of pearls you can take back to your organization.
2022 Symposium is Once Again In-Person with New and Timely Programs
6th Annual LIVE Forum on Post-Acute, LTC & ALF
June 3, 2022
7:00 AM – 4:30 PM
DoubleTree Oak Brook, IL
The 6th Annual Forum on Post-Acute, LTC & ALF will be held once again in-person on Friday, June 3 at the DoubleTree Oak Brook.
You can expect the same quality programming with dynamic speakers, creating a forum to exchange ideas and share information. All while earning 6 free continuing education credits.
Sessions are even more relevant and timely as skilled nursing and senior living providers redefine how they operate in a new normal, with new expectations and requirements.
Thank you to our sponsors!
Acadia Pharmaceuticals
Astellas Pharma Inc.
Biocodex USA
Boehringer Ingelheim
CPT Rehab
Exhibitus, Inc.
Lilly USA, LLC.
Neurocrine Biosciences
Professional Nursing Services
RESIDE Admissions
Right Way Medical
Sun Pharma
UCB Biopharmaceuticals
Urovent Sciences
Staff Retention in the New Normal
Hiring the right candidate for a job is always difficult, but retaining staff is even more challenging, especially after the pandemic. This session will teach you what experts are doing in skilled and assisted living settings and the healthcare industry to attract and retain the right employees. Drive higher engagement, staff retention, and expertise in healthcare by investing in employees from day one.
Staying Safe and Secure in an Increasingly Hostile CyberWorld
Does your company have a “Zero Trust” security policy? How much does a data breach cost? Did you know that 2021 had the highest average data security cost in 17 years? In this session, you can explore ways to help mitigate your risk and learn about how the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) affects you today. The Internet is packed with HIPPA violations; do you know the HIPPA rules for protecting and securing your data, or how they relate to social media and websites? Do you know how to protect your organization and the residents you serve?
Brain Attack ─ Stroke Overview and Update
This session discusses the latest information on stroke diagnosis and treatment. Barb starts the lecture with a review of neuroanatomy and the blood supply to the brain and spinal cord. She provides a comprehensive overview of modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors and the treatment and prevention of the modifiable risk factors for both hemorrhagic and ischemic strokes. The lecture will focus on the classic clinical presentation for both hemorrhagic and ischemic strokes. Acute emergency treatment for hemorrhagic and ischemic strokes and chronic treatment protocols will also be discussed.
Survey after COVID
Has the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) changed their focus for annual surveys at LTCFs, ALFs, ICFs/DDs, and CILAs after the COVID-19 pandemic? Ask Sheila Baker, Bureau Chief of LTC, IDPH, and Cynthia SchierlSpreen, Bureau Chief of Quality Management, Planning & Medicaid Administration at the lllinois Department of Human Services (IDHS). What are the top-cited deficiencies? Does the survey focus more on Infection Control now? What are the common complaints faced by surveyors? Get the information firsthand from those in the know.
Dealing with Difficult Families
Many of us chose this field because we love helping people. We didn’t count on enduring the sometimes awkward, demoralizing, infuriating interactions with family members of patients and residents. Is there any way to prevent one of the most complex and draining parts of a healthcare-related job? How can we respond in a way that doesn’t make the situation worse?
Shampoos, Tattoos, and Bar-B-Ques: What’s New in the World of Infectious Diseases?
This seminar provides an overview and update on current issues impacting infectious diseases. New vaccines, new diseases, new drugs, and new bugs! What’s new in the world of vaccines? Is it safe to travel the world today? Is it safe to eat the food where you travel, and for that matter, is it safe to eat the food you buy here at home? There are many “microbes on the menu” in today’s world—how can you avoid them, and what are their clinical manifestations and treatments? Barb discusses the benefits of antibiotic stewardship and provides a plethora of pearls you can take back to your organization.